Saturday, February 19, 2011

Coming of age!

It happened, its happening and it will continue to whether you like it or not. We all start out young and end up old. somewhere in between we begin to believe that age is just a number and as we look back and view our life gone by...we take solace in the fact that in deed it is, it is a relevant number..a number that carries more weight than any report card or CGPA number ever did. Coming to think of it, a better part of our lives were dicatated by the report cards and CGPAs!

I am given to this thought tonight as i sit sit in absolute silence and solitude gazing out of the window in a rare moment that does not find me going for the TV remote or a book, this is complimented by the fact that i do not own a TV and that the restlessness of expressing myself is keeping me from turning the pages of a paperback.

Ok..where was i...coming of a phrase applies to us at a moment when we feel evolved in a certain course of action that we have taken to, it is a time that the result of that action has defined in a permenant way, that has transformed our view of what can be from how it would be...not that i have anything significant tht i am doing to have said this but just wanted to put things in perspective.

To us lesser mortals who are belssed only with the luxury of thoughts and introspection and find ourselves in a position where at some time "to be heard" becomes an irrevocably strong emotion, we are given to such meanderings. Yhose that are gifted with talents are busy dazzling the world with thier feats and the phrase "coming of age" constantly re-defines their art/craft and being.

Aah well, to my own self i attach this phrase at a point in time where 2 monsoons ago i turned 30 yrs of age! (i refer to monsoons cause, a guy in Mumbai..the poetic reference to a year can only be got by refering to it as the rest of the year is summer..apply any standard!). The journey since then has not been very different than what it was earlier but somehwere i began to take a different perspective to it observing the changes that i experienced in myself (apart from the fact that i have packed on a few kilos...blame the metabolism).

Now where all did i experience these changes, in what facets of my life did these changes examination will soon follow.

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